Monday, July 15, 2019

Building New Home? Don't Take Shortcut.

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Remember, by investing in “Dr.Fixit -Total Waterproofing” today, you
would avoid spending 4X cost in repairing your home later!
Click here for a free site visit >
While constructing a new home, most people don’t pay attention towards waterproofing and end up facing problems related to leakage, seepage and dampness very soon.
What are the problems that can occur
if you don’t waterproof?
So, why not spend a little on waterproofing during the initial stages of construction?
Dr. Fixit: India’s leading waterproofing expert, provides a comprehensive range of waterproofing solutions for all 5 surfaces of your new home in order to keep it leak-free. Don’t forget to use the right waterproofing solutions with Dr. Fixit when you start building your new home.
*T&C:- In case your building structure is more than 20 years old, we would recommend that you undertake a structural audit. Basis the auditor's report, we would be able to recommend our products. If you already have an auditor's report, kindly share the same with us at & our experts will get in touch with you.
Connect With Our Experts >

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