Wednesday, September 07, 2016

How to correct mistakes on your CIR Dear How to maintain and improve your Credit Score


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How to correct mistakes on your CIR : The Dispute Resolution Process


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Your Credit Score and Credit Information Report (CIR) are important factors in the loan application process. Hence, inaccuracies on your CIR can result in reduced chances of a loan approval. It is very important for every credit-active individual to understand the types of inaccuracies that can occur and what it means for their CIR. CIBIL cannot alter any credit information in your report unless authorized by the Credit Institution (CI).

Types of Inaccuracies

Inaccurate Current Balance or Amount Overdue
On purchasing your CIR, you may notice that your ‘Current Balance’ or ‘Amount Overdue’ may not be updated for your most recent payment. This is usually the case if you have purchased your CIR within 45 days of making a payment. Credit institutions generally submit the data concerning last payment of dues/ EMI within 45 days, so the latest payment may not reflect on your CIR until the data is submitted by that lender. However, if the ‘Date Reported’ (the date the data was reported to us) associated with that account was over 2 months ago, you can write to us to update this information.

An inaccurate ‘Current Balance’ (especially on the high side) implies that you have more debt than you do. ‘Amount Overdue’ indicates that you are unable to service your existing loan obligations. Both are viewed negatively by lenders and may affect the chances of your loan approval.

Incorrect Personal Details
Credit information is submitted to us by various Banks and Financial Institutions. Each lender submits your credit account along with your personal information such as name, address, date of birth, PAN, etc. We then use the personal information to collate these details into a single CIR which provides your complete credit profile.

Ensure that you have provided accurate and updated details to your CI at the time of your loan application. In addition, every time your personal details change or are updated you should inform your bank or financial institution so that they are able to make the necessary changes to their database.

If any personal details or one or more of the accounts on your CIR do not belong to you, you should initiate the Dispute Resolution Process as detailed below.

Overall, the best solution is to check your Credit Score and CIR before you apply for a loan so that you know your lender is evaluating your loan application based on accurate data. If you notice any inaccuracies in these documents, please follow the simple steps below to initiate and complete the Dispute Resolution Process.




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